hallow every one!
Thanks for being together since last month when I lunched this blog and start doing well. Surely I can not mention little success I have got from this blog without mention you my visitors, and I really appreciate your concern and am always find the best way to maximize your satisfaction.
For the past week I have made some simple changes in the contents layout from previous one to the new one, you may experience this changes between old posts and new posts. Those changes aimed at making you my visitor find some useful contents easily through search engines and custom search within the blog.
After I redesigned the new layout of the job post and start implementing it I came to discover some other technical stuffs in the blog and post layouts that needs improvement for the better result and usefulness to my visitor. For example, if you inter the blog home page (for posts before this improvement) you will find out that every job announcement is shown at its start and there is a link which says "Read more >>". Showing part of it and require visitor to read more for interested is not a problem since it allows for users to scan latest posts faster and go deep for the post of his/her interest. The bad side is, the first part that is shown include only "Introduction of an Organization" and "Job summary" . So you can find ten (10) job announcement all of them from one company let it be ABC and when they listed both start with the same introduction and summary and nothing else, this is redundancy of data, misuse of space and west of visitors time.
As a result of discovering those contents issues I have stopped posting for about a week finding solution that will be more visitors oriented and makes you knows what you can get within few minutes as you arrive in our home page. Part of this solution I have started to implement yet, that is categorising jobs based on application closing dates. Other changes will include but not limited to;
- Showing summary of each job at its start
- Allowing visitors to subscribe to our blog so that they can be emailed when there is new job
- Removing Entities that has no open job opportunity from "By employing entity" categorization
I am very sorry for being quite without any prior information or and reason why, we are now together and expect much from All Tanzania Jobs than before.
To be in a better position I strongly advice that you subscribe to our blog through email so that you will receive new announcement from your inbox, that amazing! Again we can strengthen our relationship by find me on;
- Facebook >> facebook.com/digidigikilaza
- Twitter >> twitter.com/sirsalehe
Thank you guys
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